
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Lockdown experience

 Since the nation has been put under complete lockdown on 11th August, it is the 10th day today. With some places declared red zone, people have experienced an unusual life. Lockdown is a new experience for nation of ours whose great wall of volunteers and the plans kept the virus at bay until 11th August.  People knew it was coming, yet we never were prepared for it. The situation has changed everything we do and think. Now, I love to hate the virus and the situation The first few days of the lockdown has been challenging having to switch and customize the regular schedule but the lockdown has also provided time to reflect on myself and life at large. Life is a race, and if one fails to cope with the pace, you are left behind. And part taking in the race, I have forgotten to look at and admire the small things in life. I have never thought of looking out of the window and enjoying the little animals going on with their daily rituals undisturbed by the pandemic.  The lock...

LD like nowhere

 With the detection of COVID-19 in a woman in Gelephu on early morning of August 11, the nation was put under lock down on the same morning. Since then the government under the dynamic leadership of the Prime Minister, has taken up rigorous activities all for the benefit of the people and more so, for the crowded places of Thimphu and Phuntsholing. The lock down has been a very unique one, indeed one of it's kind in the world. The most advanced countries could not control their citizens during the lock down but it has been otherwise in Bhutan. It is the eighth day of the lock down, and people adhered to the directives of the government.  The central and the local government in partnership with volunteers are trying out everything to provide the essential items at the door step. There were few glitches due to the overwhelming response from the people, yet the government did the best they can and they have promised to improve the delivery. Apart form the essential items, the gov...