
Showing posts from 2022

Druk Choding lhakhang

 One prominent structure, as you enter the Paro town, is a Lhakhang. The Lhakhang serves as an entry point to ever fast-growing Paro town. Despite the close proximity to the town, not many visit it. I could visit the Lhakhang only after five years in Paro. The renovated Lhakhang. According to the caretaker, the Lhakhang 496 years old which correspondence 1525 (16 th century). This, he says, is according to the research done by some experts. However, he also believes that the Lhakhang is much older than what is was found out, maybe double the years that they have pointed. According to records, Gyalchog, a decedent of Pha Dampa (Dampa was the son of lam Phajo Drugom Zhingpo) used the place as a meditation center. However, the Lhakhang, according to the caretaker, was founded by Lam Ngawang Chogyal (brother of Lam Drukpa Kuenley). Wangchuk (2020) also believes the place to be used as meditation center by Gyalchog, the brother of Gyalzom, who later invited Lam Nagawang Chogyal. ...

Tshering Tshenga (The Five sisters of longevity)

 Buddhism is never short of gods and goddesses of different forms. There are Dakinis and deities who are known to have unparalleled unseen force. These abstract forms are jewels of religion and an integral part of everyday life. The five sisters (Tashi Tsheringma in the center) PC: Dr. Dorji Wangchuk One such example is the five sisters of longevity ( ཚེ་རིང་མཆེད་ལྔ ). As the name suggests, they are five sisters who possess the power to gift us with different blessings. A ccording to the caretaker of Dzongdrakha (Paro), the sisters were demons who were subdued by Milarepa and made them the protectors of the dharma. It is also said that the sisters became the main disciples of Jetsuen Milarepa and also his secret religious consorts. However, Five sisters of long life (2008), claims the sisters to have taken the first oath from Dakini Seng gdong ma (the lion-faced). To add on, Wangchuk (personal communication, April 6, 2022), believes that the five sisters had been ferocious, as G...