The Golden words

The kasho that was read at the National Council yesterday

Should the houses of Parliament deliberate the merits and demerits of the Land Bill of Bhutan 2012, it is my hope that Parliament will arrive at a resolution that is in keeping with the aspirations of our people in civil service, private sector, civil society and in the 205 gewogs of our 20 dzongkhags.
Irrespective of whether a new act is found necessary or not, it is my duty as the Druk Gyalpo to ensure that State Land and Assets are preserved in the interest of Bhutanese citizens – present and future generations – so that our people’s aspiration to own land and home may be fulfilled, while their right to share in the wealth and progress of our nation is protected – for all time.
Thus, as a matter of principle, I, the Druk Gyalpo, must state that in this modern time, in a small nation where land is scarce and the value of urban land continues to rise along with the possibility of ownership of land and wealth being concentrated in the hands of a few, there is no justification for exempting particular persons, whether royal family members or wealthy individuals, from the land ceiling. Except for institutions of State, no individual should be exempt from the land ceiling and other provisions that apply to the general public of Bhutan.
Thus, as I have not perused the Land Bill of Bhutan 2012 – the draft may need to be edited to reflect my views stated above, if they are not already contained in the Bill.
This Message is hereby granted on the 15th of June 2012 to the Speaker and Chair of the respective houses of Parliament, the Prime Minister and the Leader of Opposition.
His Majesty The Druk Gyalpo

The Kasho from our beloved that was read in the National Council reminded the people how wise our leader is. We can see many leaders in front of us but we rarely see leaders with great vision and wisdom.

His Majesty have given the MPs who are the policy makers, a power to stand above all. The power should now, be used to frame laws without fear or repercussion. The kasho should serve as a tool to defend any wrong going in law making especially the present proposed land Act.

As visioned by our king, no one should be spared by the law. The law should be of the same weight for the lay people as well as the highest ranking people. This should be kept in mind by the policy and law makers.

Palden Drukpa ...
Gyalo !!!!!


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