Writing from the future citizen
The Golden Touch
Do you know
who changed me?
Wonder how I
was then?
I was a boy
known by all
Not for my
good things
But for my
naughty behavior
Just didn’t
listen to anyone
I was known
to others
As a drunken
Tobacco was
my best friend
And missing
classes was regular
I took my
Not in the
right way
But in my
bad direction
Which some followed?
I know I was
not doing well
But I could
not change
I wanted
help for this
But who
would help me
One fine
unlucky day
I was caught
by the teachers
For abusing
And I was I
was not the only one.
Then a light
came to me
brightened my mind
He saved me
from the sea
In which I was
His advice
touched my heart
He asked me
to think
Deep about
myself and my family
My friends
and my school
I know he
loved me
For he
stopped me
From those
unhealthy things
For which I thank him
Thank you
You have
touched my heart
And changed
my life
Forever for
Dewan Saru
Class VI
(Future citizen)
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