COVID- 19, From a Positive Side.

With the first positive case of Nobel COVID-19 detected in the country on 5th March, the country has gone through lot of drastic journey though the field of worry and stress. 
As the spring brings hopes to the nature, our country
 shall win the battle against COVID - 19 
Despite the repeated reminder from the government, people started to panic, which in someways they were right. This kind of epidemic was first time for most of the citizens and they were expected to panic, yet the country under the dynamic guidance of our King, who have done everything for the nation and her people, did things which not many nations could do. HE the Prime Minister and his team has spent many sleepless nights to calm the society and bring everything under control. As His Majesty always reminded us, our small population is a great advantage for our country to have done things in few days, which the developed countries are yet to achieve. 
Bhutan has had other outbreaks in her history, but we have learnt to combat those epidemics with calm and sensible plans. On the other hand, as a Buddhist nation, we regard the unseen forces with utmost respect and this is where we are unique again. And it has proven it's magic. 
But COVID-19 has given the society what it really needed the most- A break from everything. How many of us spend time with our loved ones? We run behind time and fail to fulfill our responsibilities as a member of the family. And this, i think, is the right time to reflect and spend some quality time with our loved ones. 
We can talk, laugh and enjoy time at home. We can cook together and learn and teach each other the house hold duties. Its a great time to teach our kids what it really means to be home. 
With the waves of television, reading has been swept away. And COVID-19 has showered us the perfect situation to read. We can stay home and read. Teach our kids to read and enjoy the world of books together. We shall never have such time again. 
Today, a person without a smart phone is no less than a man without his sword during the times of Zhabdrung. Yet, we fail to use the modern gadgets for productive purpose. Thank you COVID-19, we can now concentrate on teaching our children to make use of it for learning. Teachers through out the nation are carrying out online teaching and there is no better time than this for the students to learn online. 
How many teachers have thought of so called the 'Google class'? I am sure not many would have bothered to try and the situation has blessed with the opportunity to learn and teach through it. Isn't it a great opportunity?
Above all, COVID-19 has tested Bhutan and her people to unite and work as one. We have never failed to be one and we shall never fail to. It has taught Bhutan to remember what our Great Fourth said, "ONE NATION, ONE PEOPLE." 
No leader in the world would go out at this hour in fear of contracting the virus but His Majesty has been away from Her Majesty Gyaltshuen and Their Royal Highness's, making sure every detail of the plan is executed. Can't we follow the preventive measure announced by the government when our King and the Prime Minister with is team is leaving no stone unturned to protect the nation. 
As an individual, our only duty at this hour, is follow the preventive measure and advises provided by the government, and keep oneself updated with the happening in the country. If the above is done, we are serving the Tsa-Wa-Sum 


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