When is the right time?


Every adult’s wish  is to have a roof over their head after their retirement. Every couple plans for a decent home as their age catches up fast with them, but the question is when is the right time for getting things ready?

Wangdi (name changed) has been a civil servant for last 20 years in various post and place. He knows that he is left with a decade or so to offer his service to his nation. He has been thinking and planning about a decent home for many years.

Thanks to the banks in the nation, he availed a loan and purchased a plot of  land in one of the dzongkhag. With another loan from another bank, he and his wife struggled to construct a simple bungalow. It took him and his small family 5 months of sleepless night and struggled to complete the construction.

When is the right time?

Once completed, the family dreamt of happiness for years to come. But things did not turn up as expected. Few months into their new home, Wangdi was transferred to another dzongkhag as mandated by his profession. They could not think of the house to be rented since they have already shifted in and that they have constructed with lot of love and struggle. So the family took a decision of the life, the wife was to resign and look after the home and three kids.

With hope of getting transferred back to his family, Wangdi applied for many years but in vain. He approached officials in the dzongkhag and the ministry for the transfer but nothing fruitful came out. Four years away from his family and home, Wangdi has been struggling financially and emotionally trying to hide all the pain going through.

He makes visit to his family once every two months but the pandemic has forced him to limit his visit. This further added to the pain going on in the family. The wife on the other hand is having the toughest time handling their two school-going kids and one at home. This was never planned.

Now the question is, when is the right time to plan and construct a decent roof over your head? When we have the strength and money, we do not have time. And we have money and time after retirement, we won’t have the strength.

When is the right time?


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