Dechenpelrithang, the forgotten place of the True son.

Pema Lingpa, the true son of Bumthang and one of the great five kings of the Tertons (Tresaure
The stupa

Revealers) was born in the year 1450 to Yab Dendup Zangpo and Yhum Pema Dolma. He was born on the fifteenth day of the second month of the male iron-horse year. His birth was marked with many auspicious signs and thus, the great Terton was born. 
Terton Pema Lingpa, during his early days, spent his time with his grandfather who was a blacksmith. He, thus picked up the skill and mastered it. According to records, Pema Lingpa experienced an unusual dream twice. The first dream was experienced when he was just twenty five years. The prophetic dream was experienced two years later, on the tenth day of the second month of the Monkey year, while he was asleep near Mani Goenpa. A voice from shabbily dressed monk awakened him and handed him a scroll. Without a slightest knowledge, Pema Lingpa was urged to read as a key to decode the predestined Terma (Treasure). 
Wish-fulfilling chorten 

Handing the scroll, the monk disappeared asking Pema Lingpa to gather five friends and visit Naring Drak (Present Mebartsho). He was informed about his first task of revealing treasure from the lake during the full moon light. The shabby monk is believed to be Guru Rinpoche himself. 
As Pema Lingpa unfurled the scroll, he saw the instruction, about the treasure beneath the rock in the Mebartsho. As instructed in the scroll, Pema Lingpa jumped into the lake without uttering a word on the appointed night. Inside the lake, Pema Lingpa came across a throne and a stake of texts as he entered the cave. The guardian of the cave handed Pema Lingpa one of the text and told him to run. He felt himself propelled up to the cliff as if by push of wind and realized that he was on the surface of the lake. 
 Wanting to decode the text, Pema Lingpa sought help from his family and two masters but to no avail.
Kharchu Drathsng's Tshamkhangs as seen from the chorten.

Back at Mani Goenpa, he referred the scroll key once more and was able to see the title of the text as "Crystallization of the Tantra of the Luminious space" (Klong gsal gsang ba snying bcud)- considered to be the first of his thirty-two Termas. And in the year of the pig, decoding the entire text, Pema Lingpa offered his first initiation at Dungkarbi (aka Dechenpelrithang) under the patronage of the Lama Rinchen Pel over the course of three weeks. During the event, Pema Lingpa, in his dream, was taught steps of various sacred dances and was given further instructions, by the dakinis. Later a chorten (Stupa) was erected at the site to mark the importance of the place where the greatest Terton turned his wheel of dharma. 
The Zangthopalri as seen from the chorten.

Despite it's sacredness, not many know or visit the chorten. The chorten is also known to be a wish-fulling stupa and those who visit, make a point to make wishes. The chorten falls under the National Sheep Breeding Center campus at Dechenpelrithang. The place is widely known as Dungminthang. The stupa is about 15kms away from the Chamkhar town towards Ura. Reaching the gate of the breeding center, one needs to enter and gate and the stupa can be seen from the highway. Pilgrims can also visit the Zangthopalri near the chorten and also the Mebartsho which is just few minutes drive from the chorten.


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