Zhabjithang Lhakhang

Lhakhang with Choekhortoe School
 in the background. 
Zhabjethang Lhakhang is located about 21 kilometres away from Chamkhar town towards the north of Bumthang. It is connected by farm road from Gewog office near Kurjey Lhakhang. The two storied lhakhang is nestled among the houses of Zhabjethang village under Choekhortoe Chiwog which is under Choekhor Gewog, and is just few meters from the road.
Zhabje of Guru Rinpoche (right)
 and Khandro (left)
There is no detailed written history about the lhakhang but the place and the temple is accorded with rich oral history which can be authenticated by any layperson by visiting the lhakhang. According to the elders of the village and the caretaker, Guru Rinpoche visited the place and blessed it. Although no exact date and year can be confirmed, one can relate this to the visit of Guru Rinpoche between 7th and 8th century.
The FIVE kings Tertons
As it suggests, the Lhakhang got its name from the main relic, the clear footprints of Guru Rinpoche and Khandro inside the Lhakhang. Zhabje is honorific term for footprint and thang means plain or ground, thus the name Zhabjethang. The ground floor also houses the majestic statues of the Terton Poen Nga (The great Five kings of the Tertons, the treasure Revelers). The statues were installed in 2017 when the lhakhang was given a face lift renovation. On the first floor, the main statue is the Guru.
The foot prints of the
 khandroms who made offering
 of dances and songs.
One can also seek the blessing of the Do dungkar (The rock conch) and the hand-print of Guru Rinpoche. There is also a set of Kunjur housed in a separate room.
According to the legend, Guru Rinpoche meditated in the cave, which is about 30 minutes walk above the lhakhang, to subdue the local demon who transformed himself into a yak. While Guru was
meditating, a hundred thousand dakinis (Khandroms) are said to have made offering of songs and dances from the present lhakhang and one can still see the footprints of the dakinis on the rock just outside the lhakhang.
The elders of the village, claim that, the location of the lhakhang and the places surrounding it, is said to house 108 prints of various forms but only few are discovered. It is believed to be discovered by tertons (treasure revelers) when the right time comes. some of the prints one can see are:
1. Zhabji of Guru and Khandrom inside the temple.
2. Footprint of the yak (demon)
The yak head
3. Print where Guru and Khandro are said to have experienced worldly pleasures
4. The yak head
5. Guru's foot print near the entrance
6. The print of Guru's arrow
7. Place where Guru cooked the demon's soul
8. The yak skin
9. The terdom (the treasure box)
10. Paksham Joenshing (the wish-fulfilling tree)
11. Guru's zhugthri

The most of the above are just around the lhakhang and one can easily see them.

The place, people believe is blessed unlike other places. The lhakhang has hosted the oral transmission given by HH the Penor Rinpoche, HH the 16th Karmapa, HH Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche, HH Terchen Namkhai Drimed Rinpoche, HE Gantey Trulku Rinpoche, HH Gongshar Gyaltshab Rinpoche, HE Lam Serpo and many other masters.
HH Terchen Namkhai Drimed Rinpoche
The rock where the yak skin was dried
, during the visit,  expressed his joy for being able to visit such a religious place related to Guru Rinpoche and advised people to recite Mani and always keep Guru Rinpoche in our heart.
There is no formal monastic learners in the Lhakhang and is looked after by the community. Though unknown to many Bhutanese, quite a good number of people from India and other countries visit the lhakhang every year.
The rock conch 
During the visit to the lhakhang, one can also have a visual treat of the beautiful Choekhortoe Primary School which is famously known as Zhabjethang Primary School, thanks to the lhakhang. One cannot complete the visit without experiencing the scenic beauty of the Wangchuk Centennial National park head office and the Gross National Happiness Center which are just few minutes to the north. If you wish to halt night there, the village also offers few affordable home stays where you can experience the beautiful life of Bumthabs. Apart from tasting the village life, one can visit Lam Drolo's Goenpa (about 10 minutes drive from the lhakhang), Thrabsayphay Lhakhang aka Dorong Lhakhang, about 10 minutes drive south and Nga Lhakhang, about 10 minutes drive from the lhakhang. If time permits, you can visit the Zangling Lhkahng (the maternal house of HE Jigme Yoezer Thinley, the first Democratically elected prime minister of Bhutan) and the ruins of Dapham Dzong which had a great political and spiritual influence during those times.


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